Workshop / Radionica

On Thursday January 21, 2016 the workshop as the part of the ‘Role of soil properties and environmental conditions in elemental and isotopic composition of the olive: basis for oil geographic traceability’ Project that is led by the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation was held in the Institute’s lecture hall, on topic:

Trace elements, research methodology in soil and plant systems

Workshop was followed through video-conference technology by the colleagues from the Croatia Centre for Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in Zagreb.

Workshop was led by prof Zed Rengel, notable scientist employed at the School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia (M087) (UWA), who is also the project co-leader.


U četvrtak 21. siječnja 2016. održana je u Maloj vijećnici Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša radionica u okviru projekta ‘Role of soil properties and environmental conditions in elemental and isotopic composition of the olive: basis for oil geographic traceability’, kojeg je nositelj Institut, na temu:

Trace elements, research methodology in soil and plant systems

Predavanje su upotrebom videokonferencijske tehnologije pratili kolege iz Hrvatskog centra za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo u Zagrebu.

Radionicu je vodio prof. Zed Rengel, ugledni znanstvenik koji je zaposlen na School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia (M087) (UWA), ujedno i suradnik na projektu.


