Article “How different soils affect to olive oils of cv. Oblica” / Članak

The article “How different soils affect to olive oils of cv. Oblica” (in Croatian) by Ph.D. Mirella Žanetić was published in the magazine for olive growers and olive oil producers “Maslinar”, in the April 2017 issue. In this text the context of this project was presented to the wider audience.

Announcement of the article online and the article (both only in Croatian) can be found below.

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U časopisu za maslinare i uljare “Maslinar” za mjesec travanj 2017. objavljen je od strane doc. dr. sc. Mirelle Žanetić članak “Kako različita tla utječu na ulje od Oblice” u kojem je široj populaciji predstavljen projekt.

Najavu članka možete pronaći ovdje.

Članak u pdf obliku: NaslovnicaTekst.